Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Traditional Hatha Yoga

" Bikram yoga puts a mirror in front of your face so you can see yourself for first time. You are not your thoughts so make your mind your best friend or failing that make it your slave. America has more kinds of yoga in it than India. Bikram is traditional Hatha yoga. "Take it easy honey, don't try too hard honey." That is Mickey Mouse yoga! In Bikram yoga when you feel dying you know you've arrived. When you come to Bikram to heal your pain you discover 99 others. Pain cures pain. Medical benefit starts at the 100% threshold. 100% is nothing, 110% is 10% medical benefit. No matter what the problem, if you stretch it and exercise it, it will heal. What good is having something if you don't know how to use it? It's not what you have, it's how you use it. The number one problem in this world is lack of self-realization. People are born babies and they die babies, never knowing their destination. They are afraid to try too hard, they are the lazy people of the world. Bikram hates lazy people! Bikram yoga teaches you to use your body to hold the mind in the brain, reorganizing and recharging every cell in your brain. Bikram teaches you to live life with zero expectations, that is what allows you to be you. Yoga is the only subject in the world where the subject is the object. The object is you. Instead of using 3% of your body in 100 years, you use 100% of your body in 90 minutes. Instead of suffer for 90 years you suffer for 90 minutes. It is like losing your virginity every time. It hurts but without it you're just not living. This is Bikram's torture chamber where you come to kill yourself for 90 minutes. We don't sell cheesecake here, we sell pain". ~Namaste.
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